8300 Dexter-Chelsea Road
Dexter, MI 48130
(800) 697-6485

24/7 Emergency Service: Call (734) 426-4400 Mon – Fri  7:30 – 5:30 Sat 9 – 1pm      AFTER HOURS: Call (734) 660-4643

8300 Dexter-Chelsea Rd
Dexter, MI 48130
(800) 697-6485


Irrigation Wells Can Save You Money

Written By cribleyadmin

February 27, 2012

Summer is coming and with it, hot weather and possibly a growing season without a great deal of rain. Whether you are a farmer, irrigation consultant or just a savvy homeowner that wants to save money on the high cost of city water, get a jump on summer and call us about irrigation wells today.

Successful farming starts with a dependable source of water. And groundwater is the only truly dependable means to get it. Irrigation can increase crop yield by 20-65% in a typical year depending on crop variety, not to mention how beneficial it would be in a drought. Is it time to make a sound investment which will pay big dividends for many years to come? Your children and quite possibly your grandchildren will thank you.

We can help you develop a strategy to get the water you require at a price that’s affordable. Cribley Well Drilling Co is one of the most trusted names in Michigan for quality well construction, water pump system design and installation. We have the well drilling equipment to handle wells up to 20″ in diameter, as deep as necessary, and pumps up to 100 HP.

So give us a call whether your project is big or small and we’ll work up a price quote that meets your irrigation demands and your budget. In most areas you will recover your investment in 1 – 2 years. Call 800 697-6485 today and let’s get started!

Timothy Clark

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8300 Dexter-Chelsea Rd.,
Dexter, MI 48130

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Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 5 PM
Saturdays 9 AM – 1:00 PM